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Some of the mediums serving may be listed here.
Dr. Barbara Williams 10-3
Dr. Barbara Williams is a well known professional psychic medium, healer, and medical intuitive who resides in Maine. Frequently asked to do radio interviews she gives readings sight unseen as well as spiritual direction. She has dedicated over 44years in the healing and holistic health field incorporating a wide array of healing modalities. Barbara teaches psychic development throughout Maine and enjoys helping people open up to their psychic abilities. She organizes several different spiritual, paranormal, and psychic development classes throughout Maine, New Hampshire, and California.
Wachain Welch 10-3
Wachian Welch of Rollin’ w/Spirt ( is a Shamanic and Reiki II practitioner and healer, Psychic Medium, and intuitive Native American Flutist. Working in the holistic field for nearly two decades and following the Native American Spiritual path has led him to ascend to much higher enlightenment and a deeper connection to Spirit. As a Psychic Medium, Wachian delivers messages from your guides and loved ones in spirit. With his unique offering of Messages from the Flutes, Wachian combines the spoken message, his oracle cards and a one of a kind healing flute song. Each song Wachian plays from his flutes arrives intuitively, gifted to him by Spirit creating a truly unique healing experience for the listener. Wachian is closely connected to nature, allowing him to receive psychic and intuitive messages from nature spirits and the land that can be ancient and very wise. Wachian is a Spiritualist reverend and member of the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism. He resides with his partner Angie in Clifton, Maine and their cottage at Camp Etna.
Dee Powers 1-3 Mediumship and Distance Healing
Dee has been studying and working with plants, herbs, and flowers most of her life. Her grandparents played a significant role in her learning of plants and herbs. She is in my 2nd year of a 3 year Herb Apprenticeship, and has been attending Herb and Plant Conferences since the early 90's, taking workshops from many wonderful herbalists. Dee is a Master Gardener and has been working as a Floral Designer for over 25 years after receiving her floral education in Norton, Ma. She has always thought of plants, flowers, herbs, as her friends. While being a very active "Plant Person", she has always been interested in the healing arts. During the 90's she began her journey into the Healing Arts, beginning with Reiki, she went on to take a year long course in Polarity Therapy, and a 2 1/2 year Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Program. She traveled extensively learning additional skills for helping people with Peri and Prenatal Birth Trauma. She also has additional training assisting people resolve the effects of stress and trauma in their mind, body and spiritual systems.
Bonnie Lee Gibson 10-3
Bonnie Lee is a Professional Psychic medium, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, teacher and lecturer. She has been developing her gifts of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience for 30 years +. Through her Psychic Mediumship, she is able to channel those on the other side, in the Spirit World, to people looking for healing and peace in their own lives.
Dean Tozier 10-3
Dean Tozier is an up and coming evidential medium from Mount Desert Island. Although Dean is color blind he’s a natural clairvoyant, and seeing people in spirit has been a gift of his since childhood. Dean has spent the past two years training and growing his mediumship abilities as well as his certifications in Pranic Healing. Dean spends most days driving construction trucks and moving the earth, but his heart is in Spiritualism, proving the continuity of life and helping to provide peace, hope and healing with his messages.
Amanda Brawley 10-3
Amanda is a commissioned healer and spiritual medium and she is a member of Swampscott Church of Spiritualism in Boston, the Etna Spiritualist Association in Maine and Cassadega Spiritualist Camp in Florida. She strives to bring healing through her message work and proves the continuity of life through the evidence that comes forth from spirit.
Etna Spiritualist Association 77 Stage Rd. Etna, Maine 04434 (207) 269-2094
Please note: We are an all volunteer run organization. Our phones are not monitored 24/7. Please be patient as we get back to you.
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